
Golden Website of Issuer
The best IR website on NewConnect In 2014 LUG S.A. IR website for the fifth time in a row was classified in the tirst three of the competition. Title of the best website of Issuer LUG S.A. received six time in a row in history of the competition (awards in 2009, 2013, 2014,2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018).

The Best Annual Report 2012 and 2013
The best annual report in category NewConnect two years in a row!

Honorable mention for LUG in ESG data reporting ranking
ESG ranking of the best data reporting listed companies in 2013 in which LUG was identified as one of the three best reporting Issuers on NewConnect.

Debut on NewConnect
LUG S.A. made its debut on NewConnect 20 November 2007Securities introduced to trading:
- 27,000,000 shares of common bearer A,,
- 8,992,850 shares of common bearer B,
- 8,992,850 rights to ordinary bearer shares of series B.
- 8,992,850 rights to ordinary bearer shares of series B.
See the movie from awards ceremony and LUG debut at NewConnect.