Polish WallStreet under Giewont

15 June 2009

3 days of meetings, 13 lecture sessions, 17 presentations and 23 company conference stalls. That's the shortest summary of XIII edition of Wallstreet conference – the biggest meeting of capital market participants in Poland.

On Saturday, 6th June, the Mercure Kasprowy Hotel in Zakopane has been filled by more than 400 representatives of various circles co-forming the Polish capital market. The best stock market analysts and investors in Poland, invited by the organizers – Stowarzyszenie Inwestorów Indywidualnych (Individual Investors Association), gave several lectures. Additionally, chosen companies, traded both on the basic market – GPW (Stock Market) and on the NewConnect market, have summarized the last year’s results during the presentations and talks with Investors during the Akcjonariat Fair.

Assigning a great deal of importance to accessibility of information and highest standards of maintained investor relations, LUG S.A. company met its Shareholders and Investors at stall no. 3. Frequent talks during the one and a half hour session allowed to accustom all the interested individuals with the current situation and the results achieved during the last trading year by the companies of LUG S.A. Capital Group. Akcjonariat Fair was also a good occasion for familiarizing Investors with the development plans of the company for the coming year and in the long run.

Interesting talks and opinions of the interlocutors are a source of important knowledge, which will allow us to communicate with all groups of stakeholders with even greater precision and to realize the idea of transparency in functioning within our environment.

We want to offer our best thanks to Shareholders, Investors and all those who are interested in the activity of our company for the meeting and we encourage contacting us via telephone or e-mail.