Eagles of ESG: Distinction for LUG S.A.
27 April 2023
On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, a ceremonial Gala was held during the European Economic Congress 2023, during which awards and distinctions were given in the Rzeczpospolita's Eagles of ESG 2023 competition. We are pleased to inform you that LUG S.A. was among the appreciated group of companies and the jury awarded us with the Distinction for intelligent lighting.
We have been operating in the lighting industry for over 34 years. We create and deliver professional, energy-saving lighting solutions in over 70 countries around the world. Sustainable development is inscribed in our products, our DNA and the strategic perspective 2023-2026. We are all the more pleased with the Distinction awarded by the Competition Jury. Monika Bartoszak, Director of the Office of the Board and Communication of LUG, received the award from the Organizers during the ceremonial Gala.
We are grateful for appreciating our contribution to building a sustainable world. We also congratulate all awarded and honored companies on their excellent programs and activities in the area of environmental, social and management responsibility.
Read the report from the event HERE