Znamy wyniki „Rankingu ESG. Odpowiedzialne zarządzanie.”

04 July 2024

Capital Group  LUG S.A. obtained the title of a Distinguished Company in the 18th Edition of the “ESG Ranking. Responsible Management” (formerly known as the Responsible Companies Ranking)!

We are proud to announce that the Capital Group LUG S.A. joined the group of companies that completed a survey organized by the Kozminski Business Hub at the Kozminski University.

It was an excellent opportunity to check the quality of the company's current initiatives in the field of sustainable development and to determine areas that require more attention and further actions on our part.

About the survey

Participants had to answer 70 questions of a varied nature, arranged in eleven parts, which verified the quality of responsible management in accordance with ESG guidelines. The survey was based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

How we did

Capital Group LUG S.A. took part for the first time in this year’s edition of the ranking, and scored 68 points, took 25th place and obtaining the title of a Distinguished Company!

- This is a good result that confirms our reliability and activity in the field of responsible management and sustainable development. This year, we managed to achieve a better result than over 37 other companies qualified for the list, often larger than us. Our goal for the next year is to improve the result and enter the top ten companies classified in next year's ranking - comments Monika Bartoszak, Director of the Management and Communication Office.

About the ranking

”ESG Ranking. Responsible Management” (formerly the Responsible Companies Ranking) is a recognized list of the largest companies in Poland, assessed in terms of the quality of responsible management in accordance with ESG guidelines. The ranking, invariably for 18 years, is based on the results in the area of ​​responsible and sustainable management - presented by companies in an appropriate survey. The final results are verified by Deloitte. This year's survey included 70 questions of a varied nature in eleven parts, based on ESRS guidelines.


Znamy wyniki „Rankingu ESG. Odpowiedzialne zarządzanie.”