First non-financial report of LUG S.A. Capital Group
30 May 2019
In 2017, Poland implemented the EU Directive 2014/95 / EU, as a result of which the Accounting Act which imposes a new obligation on large commercial entities that meet the criteria defined by the legislator in the form of annual non-financial reports. According to the definition, for two consecutive years LUG fulfilling two definitive criteria became obliged to develop and publish the Non-Financial Information Report.
The first historical Non-financial report of the LUG S.A. Capital Group is already available. The document contains non-financial information for 2018 and refers to five key non-financial areas:
- social issues
- employee issues,
- natural environment,
- respect for human rights,
- counteracting corruption and bribery.
The report in a condensed and transparent way enables understanding of non-financial aspects of LUG functioning, its impact on the environment, employees, environment, local community, all in the form of a description of the entity's business model, description of policies used by the entity in relation to these issues, including due diligence, the result of these policies, major risks and non-financial key performance indicators.
We would like to invite you to read the non-financial report of the LUG S.A. Capital Group in HERE